Forrest M. Hoffman
University of California, Irvine, California 92697: Ph.D. in Earth System Science (06/2015).
University of California, Irvine, California 92697: Master's of Science in Earth System Science (12/2012).
University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996: Master's of Science in Physics (12/2004).
University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996: Bachelor of Science in Physics (8/1991).
Undergraduate in the Department
of Physics and Astronomy (1989–1991). Performed astronomical
photometry research and developed computer software for data reduction
and analysis.
University of Hawai'i
at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091: Undergraduate in Physics and Astronomy
Department (1985–1988), UH Hilo Astronomy Club President
Professional Experience
Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL), [Managed for the U.S. Department of Energy
by Martin Marietta Energy Systems (through 1995), Lockheed Martin Energy Research
(LMER) Corp. (1996–3/2000) and UT-Battelle, LLC (4/2000-present)] MS 6301,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6301:
Laboratory Research Manager for the
U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE)-funded
Feedbacks Scientific Focus Area (SFA) project;
contributor to the DOE-funded Accelerated
Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME), Next Generation
Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE) – Arctic, and Next
Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE) – Tropics
Principal Investigator for the USDA Forest Service-funded ForWarn project at ORNL;
Earth System Modeling (ESM) Theme leader for the Climate Change Science
Institute (CCSI) at ORNL;
contributor to the
Community Earth System Model
(CESM) and
International Land
Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) community research activities.
Directs and conducts climate change research focused on global
biogeochemistry, terrestrial ecosystem science, and hydrological research,
employing advanced computational methods and high performance computing
Develops and implements metrics for model evaluation, performs software
engineering for the CESM and ACME models, and develops and applies
methods for large scale data analytics.
Previously led the Computer Science & Mathematics Division (CSMD)
Awards Committee and formerly served on the ORNL Secure On-Line Facilities
Development Group, the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) Electronic
Communications Committee, the ORNL Scientific Computing User Advisory
Committee, the ORNL IBM SP2 Access Committee, and the ORNL Internet
Technologies Working Group (ITWG)
Magazine: Contributing Editor and Columnist for “Extreme Linux”
University of Tennessee, Department of Geological Sciences,
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996: Performed system administration, systems
programming, and management of several Unix-based workstations
and minisupercomputers in the Earth Sciences Modeling Center of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Environmental Sciences Division.
Developed and modified scientific models and tools used in environmental
analyses, including numerical models and visualization systems used to
model and analyze environmental data (7/1992–11/1993).
Automated Sciences Group, Inc., 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee 37830: Knowledge Engineer for Hydrogeochemical Expert
System Project at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. Responsible for software design and development
for contaminant transport modeling and Unix system administration
and programming. Proficiency in knowledge engineering, knowledge
representation, programming languages, and scientific modeling techniques
required (5/1989–6/1992).
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
(ORAU), Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830: Science and Engineering
Research and Professional Intern for Hydrogeochemical Expert
System Project at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (9/1988–5/1989).
Hawai'i Data, Hilo, Hawai'i 96721-5059: Owner of company specializing
in computer systems for plant and office automation, accounting,
database design, telecommunications, and expert systems development.
Managed HP3000 minicomputer (1.5 years) and networked and stand-alone
PC's (4 years) at customer sites (1984–9/1990).
National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Mauna Loa
Solar Observatory, Hilo, Hawai'i 96721-0425: Operator of
K-Coronameter, Prominence Monitor, and Calcium Variability Monitor.
Performed scientific data collection and management, operated multiple
computer systems and telescope control systems at high altitude
observatory (1987–9/1988).
University of Hawai'i at
Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091: Physics and Astronomy
Department Laboratory Manager (9/1987–5/1988).
of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091: Business/Economics
Department Computer Laboratory Manager. Managed network of 10 PC's
and assisted professors and students in the use of hardware and software
Radio Shack and Radio Shack Computer Center,
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720: Computer hardware and software sales, installation, and
customer support (1985–1986).
University of Hawai'i at
Hilo, Center for Continuing Education and Community Service,
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091: instructor of computer classes for children,
adults, teachers and senior citizens (1984–1985).
Mississippi Academic and Marine Adventures Inc., Biloxi MS
39530: Member, Board of Directors; instructor of BASIC classes
The Hancock Bank, Gulfport MS 39501: IBM 1419 Computer operator,
data entry and shipping clerk (1983–1984).
Professional Organizations
Civic Organizations
Software Development
Designed, developed, and implemented the following systems:
, a web-based interface for panning,
zooming, scrolling, and viewing maps.
- The Stone
SouperComputer, the first Beowulf-style parallel computer at
- An on-line database for the U.S. Global Change
Data and Information System's (GCDIS) website
which can be maintained remotely via the World Wide Web (WWW).
- The Virtual Field Site, a small field prototype system
for collection and distribution of remote sensing data, including
imagery, used for field site monitoring and event detection. Data and
images are made available via the World Wide Web (WWW) in near
- The Climate Library, an interpolation module for use in
global change models which automatically uses temperature and
precipitation data from the Carbon
Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) to provide a model with
interpolated global maps for any desired year.
, a Common Gateway Interface
(CGI) package for dynamic generation of movie/animation sequences
on the World Wide Web (WWW). Movies are created based on multiple
image point selections made by the user.
- A World Wide Web (WWW) Information System, the first
such server at ORNL, for public
relations, internal administrative information dissemination, and
global scientific and technical information distribution.
- A Gopher Information System for the ORNL Environmental Sciences
, a package for interpolating global
climate data using Robert Renka's tsphpak
- The Geochemical Expert System for describing
complexation and precipitation in complex geochemical compositions.
Designed and implemented the knowledge base, geochemical model
interface, and graphics displays.
- The Plant Management System, an intelligent system for
fish plant management which tracks perishable product inventory.
- The Remote Sales System, a communication package with
distributed processing for multisite organizations.
- The Freight Management System, which tracks customer
shipments, provides customer billing and packing records, and
reconciles freight charges.
- A prototype for institutional inmate control including
inventory tracking and individual management.
- A government-related contract processing and accounts
management system with a custom-designed, integrated accounting
- A commercial, menu-driven accounting and inventory
system for retail and wholesale sales with accounts receivable and
payable, inventory tracking, and general ledger capabilities.
- Nate's Learning Machine, an educational package
for the handicapped that includes hand-eye coordination and fine motor
Computer Environments

Parallel Systems
Cray XT5 (>150,000 cores), XT4 (>30,000 cores), XT3 (>5,000
cores); Cray X1E (1,024 processors); SGI Altix (256 cores); IBM
BlueGene/P (8192 cores), BlueGene/L; IBM Power6, Power5, Power4 (24 nodes/768
processors); IBM SP WinterHawk I/II (184 nodes/720 processors);
Compaq AlphaServer SC Series Supercomputer (64 nodes/256 processors, 16
nodes/64 processors); Beowulf-style Linux clusters (2–10,000 cores);
Sun UltraSparc clusters; Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 (32 processors);
IBM SP2 (16 processors); Intel Paragon (2048 processors); Intel iPSC/860
(128 processors); Intel iPSC/2; Maspar MP-2; Cray X-MP; and Cray Y-MP.
Serial Systems
Apollo DN10000, AT&T 3B2, DEC 3000 and 7000 AXP (all models),
DECsystem and DECstation 5000 and 3100 (all models), DEC VAX and MicroVAX
and VAXstation (all models), DEC 20 (all models), HP 9000 (all models),
HP 3000 (all models), IBM RS/6000 (all models), IBM 3090, IBM 360, NCR
8200, Silicon Graphics IRIX Workstations (all models) , Stardent/Kubota
Titan, Sun SPARCstation, SPARCserver, and UltraSPARC (all models).
Micro Systems
Apple II (all models), Macintosh and Power Macintosh (all models),
Atari 800/XL/XE, Commodore 64, HP 110 and 150, IBM PC/XT/AT and PS/2,
Intel-based PC's (many models and manufacturers), NCR DecisionMate,
Radio Shack Models I/III/IV, and Tandy 1000/2000/3000.


Languages, Development Environments, and Application Programming
C, C++, FORTRAN 90, FORTRAN 77, dbx, GNU Software (gcc, g++, g77,
gdb, gdbm, etc.), Concurrent
Versioning System (CVS), Revision Control System (RCS), netCDF,
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF),
HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Personal
Home Page (PHP), Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) protocol, JavaScript,
Make, Perl, DBM, PostgreSQL,
Sybase SQL, Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM),
Message Passing Interface (MPI),
Postscript, BASIC, LOGO.
Scientific Models
Climate System Model (CCSM4, CCSM3, and CCSM2), Community Land Model (CLM4, CLM3, and CLM2),
Atmospherre Model (CAM3 and CAM2), and Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State
Mesoscale Model (MM5).


Operating Systems
Unix and Unix-like
BSD 4.3 and 4.4, OSF/1, Digital Unix, Compaq Tru64,
Domain OS, HP-UX, IBM
AIX, SGI IRIX, RedHat Linux, Slackware and other
implementations of Linux, SunOS and
Solaris, Ultrix, Unicos, System V.
CP/M; IMOS; Apple


Applications/Software Systems
PV-Wave, Application Visualization System
(AVS), Matlab, Vis5D, Cave5D,
GRASS, xv, xpaint, The Gimp, gPhoto,
the X Window System and XFree86,
Gnu Network Object Model Environment
(GNOME) and K Desktop Environment
(KDE), Digital DECwindows, Sun OpenWindows, OSF Motif, TGV Multinet,
Network File System (NFS), Berkley lpd, vi, Pine, Pico, awk, sed,
tar, gzip, Zip, Network Time Protocol (NTP), Secure Shell (SSH),
Samba, TeX, LaTeX, troff/eqn/tbl,
MBONE (sd, sdr, vic, vat, nv, wb), MPEG, Gopher Server and Client, Mosaic,
Netscape, Mozilla, Microsoft Internet
Explorer, NCSA HTTP Server,
Apache httpd, WAIS and Isite,
qi and ph, Post Office Protocol (POP) Server, Domain Name Server
(DNS), Laser Knowledge Representation (KR) and Rule Production System
(RPS), Rulemaster, KES Expert System shell, Mineql, Image/Query/Vplus,
BPI Accounting Systems, dBase II/III/III+, Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony,
Open Office, ApplixWare
Office, Star Office, WordStar, PC Calc/File/Write/Talk, Mac
Draw/Write/Paint, Cricket Graph, Usenet News, PC Gopher III, Eudora, POPmail, NCSA Telnet, PC-TCP/On-Net, ProComm, Crosstalk,
and Kermit.

Honors and Awards
- Significant Event Award for contributions to development of the Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE) Tropics Project. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle LLC, April 2015.
- Significant Event Award for contributions to development of the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) Scientific Focus Area (SFA). Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle LLC, October 2014.
- Employee of the Quarter in the Computer Science & Mathematics Division. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle LLC, July–September 2014.
- Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology for “Representativeness-based sampling network design for the State of Alaska” awarded by the U.S. Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), May 2014.
- Significant Event Award for contributions to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change & National Climate Assessment Work. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle LLC, May 2014.
- Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for Technology Transfer 2013 Interagency Partnership Award. Co-recipient for ORNL contribution to the ForWARN Forest Disturbance Monitoring Project with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, NASA Stennis Space Center, and the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center, April 2013.
- Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for Technology Transfer, Southeastern Region 2012 Partnership Award. Co-recipient for ORNL contribution to the ForWARN Forest Disturbance Monitoring Project with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, NASA Stennis Space Center, and the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center, March 2013.
- ORNL Computer Science & Mathematics Division Most Distinguished Scientific or Technical Contribution Award for the ORNL contribution to the ForWARN Forest Disturbance Monitoring Project, December 2012.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service 2012 Southern Research Station Director's Science Delivery Award. Co-recipient for ORNL contribution to the ForWARN Forest Disturbance Monitoring Project with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, NASA Stennis Space Center, and the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center, October 2012.
- ORNL Computing and Computational Science Directorate's Distinguished Employee Award. May 2012.
- 1st Place, People's Choice
Poster Award for A Cluster Analysis Approach to Comparing
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data with Global Climate Model
(GCM) Results, by Forrest M. Hoffman, Salil Mahajan, William
W. Hargrove, Richard T. Mills, and Anthony Del Genio. The U.S. Department of Energy, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
(ARM) Program, at the 18th Annual ARM
Science Team Meeting in Norfolk, Virginia, March 10–14, 2008.
- ORNL Outstanding Mentor Award. The U.S. Department of Energy,
Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, and Oak
Ridge Associated Universities, February 2008.
- Significant Event Award for contribution to NSF's National
Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Design Committee. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle
LLC, March 2006.
- Outstanding Paper in the Discipline of Landscape Ecology.
W. W. Hargrove, F. M. Hoffman and P. M. Schwartz, "A fractal landscape
realizer for generating synthetic maps," Conservation Ecology
6(1):2 (2002). Awarded by the International Association for Landscape
Ecology (IALE), U. S. Regional Chapter, April 2004.
- World-Class Teamwork Award for building and using
the Stone
SouperComputer, the first Beowulf-style supercomputer at
ORNL. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Values Committee, October 19, 1999.
- President's Award for Continuous Improvement. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Lockheed
Martin Energy Research Corp., November 1997.
- ORNL Technical Achievement Award. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Lockheed
Martin Energy Research Corp., 1996.
- Distinguished Achievement Award for Operational
Support. Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division,
August 1995.
- Significant Event Award. Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Martin
Marietta Energy Systems, June 1995.
- William E. Blass, University of Tennessee, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996.
- Sigurd W. Christensen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.
- Richard A. Crowe, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091.
- John B. Drake, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Computer Science and Mathematics Division, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.
- William W. Hargrove, Eastern Forest Threat Assessment Center, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 200 WT Weaver Boulevard, Asheville, North Carolina 28804-3454.
- William D. Heacox, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091.
- G. Paul Lewis, University of Tennessee, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996.
- Raymond A. McCord, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.
- James T. Randerson, University of California - Irvine, Department of Earth System Science, Irvine, California 92697.
Forrest M. Hoffman / forrest at climatemodeling dot org